Iciclia (voiced by Kristina Nicoll) is a notorious galactic villain. Her trademark attacks are ice-based, using a scepter which fires a beam that freezes any target within its range. A queen of the ice planet Glacies, Iciclia is an icy, mean, cold-hearted, ugly old hag (1,000 years old, to be precise, which may mean she's immortal) and was once dependent on montegoberries to keep her youth and beauty (but not by eating them, as eating a montegoberry causes bad bouts of gas), but she seems to have eliminated this dependency somehow. She has a sidekick named Dingleberry, a large alien creature with a morning star for a left arm. She is at home only in climates as icy and cold as she is because if she were in a warm climate, she would melt.
- Winter Carnival
- "And The Winner Is..."
- Ice Queen
- No Business Like Snow Business
- Evil Idol
- The Pre-Teen Queen Of Outer Space (cameo)
- Earth To Roger
- Galactic Guardians No More!
- Scribe 2: The Re-Scribing
- Ice Queen
- Ice Monsters
- Crash Test Noah: Unmasked! (Cameo as the mask)
- Iciclia is reminiscent of the Witch Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
- It was revealed in Scribe 2: The Re-Scribing that Iciclia is a huge fan of Lola Polaris (real name Sparky's mom, Zulia).